"The future does not oppose the past, it resurrects it"
- Malraux
Pierre H.Lemoine
@ Caroline Doutre
Proud of a rich past, Henry Lemoine looks to the future, anxious to share with their composers bonds of trust and closeness. Their current catalog is concrete testimony to their vitality, in tune with our times.
Pierre H.Lemoine
@ Caroline Doutre
Our history
It was in 1772 that Antoine-Marcel Lemoine, composer, violinist and music teacher, founded a music publishing house at 556, rue de l'Echelle-Honoré in Paris. From the opening of his business which bears the sign "à l'Espérance", success quickly smiles on the young publisher thanks to the connections he has in the musical world. In particular, in 1810 he published the Messe Solennelle with orchestra, composed by Méhul for the coronation of Napoleon 1st.
It was his youngest son, Jean-Henry Lemoine, known as Henry Lemoine, who took over his succession in 1816. Henry Lemoine was one of the most famous piano teachers in Paris because he was the first in France to have organized collective music in order to stimulate his students. Under his direction, the publishing house, already frequented by famous artists of the time, became one of the most important in the capital. Publisher of works by Chopin, Henry Lemoine enriched his catalog with the publication in 1844 of the famous Treatise on orchestration by Berlioz. Henry Lemoine also wrote for his students a method and piano studies still used today. Then he publishes in collaboration with Carulli a solfège which will constitute the foundation of the Solfège des Solfèges, printed to date in more than 10 million copies.
In 1850, three years before his death, Henry Lemoine, who had become blind, went into partnership with his son Achille, a pianist and also a piano teacher. Under the impulse of the latter, are installed, at n° 17 rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle in Paris, a printing press, where the new processes of lithography are applied to music, a brochure workshop and an engraving workshop. musical. In 1858, Achille Lemoine revolutionized music publishing by offering the public, at very low prices, clear and correct editions, brought together in the collection Le Panthéon des pianistes. He took up the pedagogical tradition established by his predecessors by publishing the famous Theory of Music by Danhauser, another great success. From 1885, Achille Lemoine took on his four sons as collaborators, including Henry-Félicien and Léon Lemoine who, on Achille's death in 1895, ran the newly baptized Lemoine company: Henry Lemoine & Cie.
In 1920, Henry-Félicien went into partnership with his nephew, Henry-Jean, who joined the Lemoine house in 1907. Left alone at the head of the company when Henry-Félicien died in 1924, Henry-Jean managed to to give new impetus thanks to a considerable worldwide distribution of editions in foreign languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, etc. not to mention counterfeits in Chinese, Russian and Arabic. In 1946, Henry-Jean shared the management of the Lemoine house with his cousin André Lemoine. In 1956, they were joined by Max Lemoine, son of Henry-Jean. This period saw the renewal of the educational catalog, a renewal associated with the rise of conservatories and music schools in France: the flute methods of P.Y. Artaud, saxophone methods by J.M. Londeix, works by Noël-Gallon and F. Fontaine which will subsequently be the subject of foreign editions. When Max Lemoine retired in 1987, it was the turn of his son, Pierre, to take over the presidency. More than 200 years have passed since that day in 1772... 200 years during which famous composers were published by Editions Henry Lemoine: Chopin, Berlioz, Donizetti, Halévy, Franck, Gounod, Messiaen or Piazzolla. 200 years of great successes that have made the reputation of the Lemoine house: Solfèges des Solfèges, Favorite Classics, Classical Singing, the Pantheon of Pianists, Danhauser's Theory of Music...
In 1987, Pierre Lemoine joined the company as sales manager and a few months later took over the management of the company.
1987-1988: closure of the retail shop and introduction of computers
In 1990, after having returned to four-colour printing (abandoned for years), Henry Lemoine published the first book - an instrumental method - with a spiral cover and a full-colour interior with numerous illustrations. Pierre Lemoine also undertook to renew the catalogue in depth and to diversify the media (CDs, etc.)
In 1991, the historical head office at 17 Rue Pigalle was sold and the company moved to offices in Paris and built a warehouse with 10,000m3 of storage space.
An agreement was signed in 2019 with Nkoda (the "Spotify of sheet music"), under which part of the house's catalogue is available online by subscription.
250 years after its creation, the Henry Lemoine publishing house continues to renew itself and remains more than ever faithful to its vocation: to allow all musicians to practice their instrument, and all music amateurs to hear original works.
At Hope
It was in 1772 that Antoine-Marcel Lemoine, composer, violinist and music teacher, founded a music publishing house at 556, rue de l'Echelle-Honoré in Paris. From the opening of his business which bears the sign "à l'Espérance", success quickly smiles on the young publisher thanks to the connections he has in the musical world. In particular, in 1810 he published the Messe Solennelle with orchestra, composed by Méhul for the coronation of Napoleon 1st.
Collective pedagogy
It was his youngest son, Jean-Henry Lemoine, known as Henry Lemoine, who took over his succession in 1816. Henry Lemoine was one of the most famous piano teachers in Paris because he was the first in France to have organized collective music in order to stimulate his students. Under his direction, the publishing house, already frequented by famous artists of the time, became one of the most important in the capital. Publisher of works by Chopin, Henry Lemoine enriched his catalog with the publication in 1844 of the famous Treatise on orchestration by Berlioz. Henry Lemoine also wrote for his students a method and piano studies still used today. Then he publishes in collaboration with Carulli a solfège which will constitute the foundation of the Solfège des Solfèges, printed to date in more than 10 million copies.
The music publishing revolution
In 1850, three years before his death, Henry Lemoine, who had become blind, went into partnership with his son Achille, a pianist and also a piano teacher. Under the impulse of the latter, are installed, at n° 17 rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle in Paris, a printing press, where the new processes of lithography are applied to music, a brochure workshop and an engraving workshop. musical. In 1858, Achille Lemoine revolutionized music publishing by offering the public, at very low prices, clear and correct editions, brought together in the collection Le Panthéon des pianistes. He took up the pedagogical tradition established by his predecessors by publishing the famous Theory of Music by Danhauser, another great success. From 1885, Achille Lemoine took on his four sons as collaborators, including Henry-Félicien and Léon Lemoine who, on Achille's death in 1895, ran the newly baptized Lemoine company: Henry Lemoine & Cie.
around the worldEn 1920, Henry-Félicien s’associe avec son neveu, Henry-Jean qui a rejoint la maison Lemoine dès 1907. Resté seul à la tête de l’entreprise à la mort d’Henry-Félicien en 1924, Henry-Jean réussit à donner une nouvelle impulsion grâce à une considérable diffusion dans le monde entier d’éditions en langues étrangères : anglais, espagnol, portugais, grec, etc. sans compter les contrefaçons en chinois, russe et arabe. En 1946, Henry-Jean partage la gérance de la maison Lemoine avec son cousin André Lemoine. En 1956, ils sont rejoints par Max Lemoine, fils de Henry-Jean. Cette période voit le renouvellement du catalogue pédagogique, renouvellement associé à l’essor des conservatoires et écoles de musique en France : sont alors publiés les méthodes de flûte de P.Y. Artaud, méthodes de saxophone de J.M. Londeix, ouvrages de Noël-Gallon et F. Fontaine qui feront par la suite l’objet d’éditions étrangères. Lorsque Max Lemoine prend sa retraite en 1987, c’est au tour de son fils, Pierre, de reprendre la présidence. Plus de 200 ans se sont écoulés depuis ce jour de 1772... 200 ans durant lesquels de célèbres compositeurs ont été publiés par les Editions Henry Lemoine : Chopin, Berlioz, Donizetti, Halévy, Franck, Gounod, Messiaen ou Piazzolla. 200 ans de grands succès qui ont fait la réputation de la maison Lemoine : le Solfèges des Solfèges, Les Classiques favoris, le Chant classique, le Panthéon des pianistes, la Théorie de la musique de Danhauser..
The relaunch of an ambition
In 1987, Pierre Lemoine joined the company as sales manager and a few months later took over the management of the company.
1987-1988: closure of the retail shop and introduction of computers
In 1990, after having returned to four-colour printing (abandoned for years), Henry Lemoine published the first book - an instrumental method - with a spiral cover and a full-colour interior with numerous illustrations. Pierre Lemoine also undertook to renew the catalogue in depth and to diversify the media (CDs, etc.)
In 1991, the historical head office at 17 Rue Pigalle was sold and the company moved to offices in Paris and built a warehouse with 10,000m3 of storage space.
An agreement was signed in 2019 with Nkoda (the "Spotify of sheet music"), under which part of the house's catalogue is available online by subscription.
250 years after its creation, the Henry Lemoine publishing house continues to renew itself and remains more than ever faithful to its vocation: to allow all musicians to practice their instrument, and all music amateurs to hear original works.

Publishing houses
The new challenges
Editions Henry Lemoine refuses to fall asleep on their “classics” and, since the 80s, have confirmed their role as a specialist in musical pedagogy. Among the works of musical training and instrumental methods widely adopted by music teachers, we note the famous Piano Method by Charles Hervé and Jacqueline Pouillard, translated into seven languages.
Editions Henry Lemoine have embarked on the audiovisual adventure and are developing multimedia listening and learning supplements (compact discs or CD-ROMs) for their best works.
Internationally renowned authors
To develop their catalog of instrumental music, Editions Henry Lemoine collaborates with internationally renowned soloists: C. Delangle, P.A. Valade, R. Aussel, S. and O. Assad, V. Mikulka, O. Cacérès. Strengthened by this foundation in the pedagogical and instrumental fields, Editions Henry Lemoine also occupies a prominent place in the field of concert music where their action has continued to expand for twenty years
By joining forces with such prestigious and indisputable personalities as Hugues Dufourt, Tristan Murail, Michaël Lévinas, Edith Canat de Chizy, Ichiro Nodaira, Jean-Marc Singier, Philippe Hurel, Michael Jarrell and Gérard Pesson, they are now opening their catalog to young composers such as Brice Pauset, Régis Campo or Bruno Mantovani.

The future
For a better distribution of their music, Editions Henry Lemoine also created in 2000 their own record label, aeon became independent in 2005, then that same year, their own phonographic production company HL Prod.
From this period, Editions Lemoine continued to broaden its palette of internationally renowned composers and pedagogues by acquiring Edition Delrieu, a house founded in 1898 and mainly focused on publications for the cello (L.R. Feuillard, M . Gendron, P. Tortelier), Editions Van de Velde, a house founded in 1899 by the author of the world famous "Méthode Rose" for piano, translated into more than 7 languages and which continue to publish scores of expression and contemporary pedagogy as well as books devoted to music and great musicians, and Editions Jobert, a house founded in 1921 and publisher of Cl. Debussy, M. Rosenthal, J. Massenet, P. Boesmans, Ton That Tiêt, and more recently M.A. Dalbavie and J.L. Agobet.
By thus broadening their field of activity, they show that they are more attentive than ever to the present time, animated by an open mind, for a lasting inscription in the musical heritage of tomorrow. Because if the purpose of music is to be listened to by anyone, music must first be played by musicians who read graphic symbols. The mission of Editions Lemoine has always been and continues to be the transmission of Music through its graphic form, always following technological developments (manuscript, printing, digital file).
“The future is not opposed to the past, it resuscitates it” wrote Malraux; Proud of a rich past, Editions Henry Lemoine is looking to the future, anxious to share with its composers bonds of trust and closeness. Their current catalog is concrete testimony to their vitality, in tune with our times.
Henry Lemoine in figures
Millions of copies sold