The Endless Murmuring I
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The endless murmuring I (1991) for cello and harp, was composed in homage to Pierre Jamet, and also testi?es to Tôn Thât Tiêt's commitment to the harp - an instrument he kept writing for. Slightest dynamics, subtle harmonics, a delicate approach of the bridge and ?ngerboard for the cellist, notes being produced like a breath...: this music lies on the edge of silence and invites us to a most careful listening "inside the sound". After a restless and brilliant central section vivi?ed by vigorous and developed rhythmical sequences as well as vibrant motives of the cello, the harp reaches the extreme low register through descending lines and pedal glissandi. The endless murmuring introduced at the beginning - repeating low E flat on the harp - ?nally leads to a last interrogative phrase, close indeed to the one ending Thuy Lâm..., Vô
Laurence Bancaud
Excerpt from the CD booklet "Incarnations structurales"
1 CD Horizons, H070173, Incarnations structurales
Incarnations structurales - Le Tombeau de Christian Lardé - The Endless Murmuring - Mémoire des sons - Thuy Lâm,... Vô - Chu Ky III
Trio Salzedo:
- Marine Perez (?ute)
- Pauline Bartissol (cello)
- Frédérique Cambreling (harp)