29/05/2016 - Beauvais (France), Festival de violoncelle - Xavier Gagnepain (cello)
Like a prayer, it is again an E ?at, which opens and ends Mémoire des sons (2016) for cello, a tribute to Henri Dutilleux. "A long time ago, Mr Henri Dutilleux gave me and signed the book of his interviews with Claude Glayman, Mystère et mémoire des sons (Mystery and Memory of sounds). Memory of sounds and words, of our numerous discussions at his place, rue Saint-Louis en I'Ile. This street I was taking when coming to see him, then the joy and the pleasure of talking with him, are still in my mind when I think about him. Mr Dutilleux's words remain in me like sounds of spring, or colours of a garden full of ?owers. The piece is based on the two notes D and A. D is the ?rst letter of Dutilleux, and A is associated to the element Wood, to the East and to Spring in the Five Element Theory of Yi King - Livre des Mutations (Book of changes) in Chinese philosophy."
Laurence Bancaud
Excerpt from the CD booklet "Incarnations structurales"
1 CD Horizons, H070173, Incarnations structurales
Incarnations structurales - Le Tombeau de Christian Lardé - The Endless Murmuring - Mémoire des sons - Thuy Lâm,... Vô - Chu Ky III
Trio Salzedo:
- Marine Perez (?ute)
- Pauline Bartissol (cello)
- Frédérique Cambreling (harp)