22/03/1994 - Brussels, Festival Ars Musica, Espace Flagey, Studio 4 - Dominique My (piano)
Written for piano, this piece renews with the fantastic essence of the Lied. The Lied, as Marcel Beaufils wrote, "attests to an essential apprehension which is felt by an entire Germanic country, perhaps only half Christianized, and which endlessly draws on the pagan roofs of its soul". Trees, ponds, dock and fog, vast stretches of heather: all the signs of the Lied conspire in the metaphysical landscape of the heath, It is in this framework that the strangest encounters take place. According to Goethe, Chronos, the sinister postillion, leads souls to Pluto, following a mad flight. As a matte of fact, Schubert, the dramatist of the forest and waters, set this poem to music. Elsewhere: a refusal of history ? Nostalgia of origins ? A longing for the titanic spirit ? From 1770 to 1870 - landscape poetry was one of the major registers of German lyricism. Heine, the most brilliant poet of the time recalls that this era was dominated by Metternich and that he always revealed himself through singular affinities between religions consolation and absolute power. Be it the ultimate expression of a regret or resignation, the Lied remains no less a song of experience, the chaotic journey of the wanderer and his double, Brother Chronos.
Hugues Dufourt
Translated by John Tyler Tuttle
2 CD Coviello Classics Complete works for piano solo, COV92312
Tombeau de Debussy - Valentin Mansard (piano)
Reine Spannung - Kotoko Matsuda (piano)
La Fontaine de Cuivre d'après Chardin - Manon Delort (piano)
Vent d’automne - Vadim Saukin
La ligne gravissant la chute - Kotoko Matsuda (piano)
Rastlose Liebe - An Chen Jasmin Zhang (piano)
Erlkönig - Hongye Liu (piano)
Meeresstille - Rodolfo Faistauer (piano)
An Schwager Kronos - Pierre Rouinvy (piano)
1 CD Winter and Winter, WIN910262-2
Rastlose Liebe - An Schwager Kronos - Meeresstille - Erlkönig
Jean-Pierre Collot (piano)
1 CD Accord, AC205752
Tristan Murail: La Mandragore - Cloches d'adieu, et un sourire... - Jean-Marc Singier: Elans, saccades, et biais du flux - Gérard Pesson: Vexierbilder Rom - Dominique Troncin: Ciel ouvert - Jacques Lenot: Ciels (travercés) - Esquisse du Prélude 12 - Hugues Dufourt: An Schwager Kronos
Dominique My (piano)
1 CD Accord, AC4657152
The Watery Star - An Schwager Kronos - L'Espace aux Ombres
Ensemble FA, Dominique My