27/11/1993 - Tokyo - Bunka Kaikan - Tomoko Yazawa (piano)
La Mandragore ("The Mandrake")
"Under the gallows grows the mandrake. At midnight, when the moon is full, it is picked beneath the hanged man who swings..."
The mandrake: a Mediterranean plant used in witchcraft Due to its mot in the shape of a homunculus, it is believed to have magic powers.
The music: a spiral centred on several ostinati of rhythm, colour and timbre - five "spectral" chords of variable appearance turn in the arms of the spiral.
This piece was commissioned by pianist Tomoko Yazawa and the French Ministry of Culture.
Tristan Murail
1 CD Baby, 9011550
Playing In The Dark
Tomoko Yazawa (piano)
1 CD Telos Music, TLS 107
Hommage à Messiaen
Prodromos Symeonidis (piano)
1 CD Metier, MSVCD92097
Comme un oeil suspendu et poli par le songe - Estuaire - Territoires de l'oubli - Cloches d'adieu, et un sourire... - La Mandragore - Les Travaux et les jours
Marilyn Nonken (piano)
1 CD Accord, AC205752
Tristan Murail: La Mandragore - Cloches d'adieu, et un sourire... - Jean-Marc Singier: Elans, saccades, et biais du flux - Gérard Pesson: Vexierbilder Rom - Dominique Troncin: Ciel ouvert - Jacques Lenot: Ciels (travercés) - Esquisse du Prélude 12 - Hugues Dufourt: An Schwager Kronos
Dominique My (piano)