Répons du baptême
Soprano, baritone, chorus and orchestra
Thomas Lacôte is the official organist at the Eglise de la Trinité, a post that Olivier Messiaen held for 60 years. In 2002, he was nominated official organist at the Cathedral of Bourges. He worked at the Paris Conservatory for 6 years as the assistant of Michaël Levinas, before being named professor of analysis in 2014. He was educated at this institution, receiving 5 first prizes with distinction between 2002 and 2006.
His manifold musical activities bring together composition, improvisation, performance, teaching and research. His cycle Etudes pour orgue (2006-2015) presents a new approach to the instrument through rethinking the connections between notation and timbre. Among his latest works are Torpeurs, for two voices and string quartet, commissioned by the Academy at the Aix en Provence Festival, where it was premiered in 2015, and Etude de transparence for organ four hands, premiered at Notre-Dame in Paris. In 2013, his first monographic CD entitled "The Fifth hammer" was recorded at the Eglise de la Trinité, and released by Hortus.
In parallel, he regularly performs concerts combining repertoire with improvisation on a wide variety of organs. In 2016, he was a member of the jury for the International Organ Improvisation Competition in Haarlem (Netherlands).
Along with musicologists Y. Balmer and C. Murray, Thomas Lacôte has devoted several years to important research on the works of Olivier Messiaen, leading to the publication of several articles in international journals (XXth Century Music, Journal of the American Musicological Society) and the edition of a publication in preparation for Symétrie (Le modèle et l'invention: Olivier Messiaen et la technique de l'emprunt). In 2015, Thomas Lacôte also co-directed the publication of Résonances Polyphoniques, Hommage à Michaël Levinas, a book edited by the Paris Conservatory.
In 2012, Thomas Lacôte was awarded the Del Duca prize from the Académie des Beaux-Arts-Institut de France. His work has been funded by the Bourse des Muses, the Fondation des Treilles and the Fondation Robert and Marcelle de Lacour.
Thomas Lacôte is the official organist at the Eglise de la Trinité, a post that Olivier Messiaen held for 60 years. In 2002, he was nominated official organist at the Cathedral of Bourges. He worked at the Paris Conservatory for 6 years as the assistant of Michaël Levinas, before being named professor of analysis in 2014. He was educated at this institution, receiving 5 first prizes with distinction between 2002 and 2006.
His manifold musical activities bring together composition,...
Le modèle et l'invention : Olivier Messiaen et la technique de l'emprunt
with Yves Balmer and Christopher Brent Murray
Symétrie (collection Musique XX-XXI), Lyon, 2018
Messiaen the Borrower : Recomposing Debussy through the Deforming Prism
with Yves Balmer and Christopher Brent Murray
Journal of the American Musicological Society, University of California Press, n°69/3, 2016
Un cri de passion ne s'analyse pas : Olivier Messiaen's Harmonic Borrowings from Massenet
with Yves Balmer and Christopher Brent Murray
Twentieth-Century Music Vol. 13/2, 2016
Le Veni creator de Maurice Duruflé : écriture et réécritureBulletin de l'Association Duruflé n°13, 2014
L'orgue et les signes : quelques notations sur Organum II de Xavier Darasse
Revue du Conservatoire de Paris n°1, 2012
L'orgue l'a fait lui-même
Revue L'Orgue n°300, 2012
Une certaine lecture de "Paraphrase-Carillon" : Tournemire, musicien de l'écriture
La Tribune de l'orgue (Switzerland) n°58/4 and 59/1 (2006-2007),
in Bulletin de l'association Duruflé n°7-8 (2008)
Thomas Lacôte
Eric Lebrun
in Guide la musique d'orgue, Fayard, 2013
Thomas Lacôte, composer la musique pour l'orgue
Ghislain Leroy
Orgues nouvelles n°15, January 2012