El Saxofon Ameno 1
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Textes espagnols
Version française
Le Saxophone en jouant Vol.1
Le Saxophone en jouant Vol.2
Le Saxophone en jouant Vol.3
Le Saxophone en jouant Vol.4
Editions Henry Lemoine
Version anglaise
Playing the Saxophone Vol.1
Playing the Saxophone Vol.2
Playing the Saxophone Vol.3
Editions Henry Lemoine
Version allemande
Saxophon spielend leicht Band A
Saxophon spielend leicht Band B
Bohne & Schulz
Version italienne
Il Sassofono nella nuova didattica Vol.1
Il Sassofono nella nuova didattica Vol.2
Bèrben edizioni musicali
Version polonaise
Zagrajmy na Saksofonie Czesc 1
PWM Edition