Cloches d'adieu, et un sourire... in memoriam Olivier Messiaen
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14/07/1992 - Villeuneuve-lès-Avignon (France) - Centre Acanthes - Dominique My (piano)
Cloches d'Adieu, et un sourire... ("Bells of Farewell, and a Smile...")
This unpretentious little piece was written at the request of the German Radio, Deutschlandfunk, in memory of Olivier Messiaen.
It borrows several aspects (the conducting of the discourse, and the three final notes, the adieu) of one of Olivier Messiaen's earliest works, his piano prelude Cloches d'angoisse et larmes d'adieu (1929). I tried to mix in, amongst other allusions, a few ethos of bells which are featured in many of my own works. These are answered by luminous echoes and clusters of chords in cheerful keys, as the "smile" of Messiaen's last works managed to triumph for good over the "anguishes" and "tears" of the past-for there is no final farewell.
Tristan Murail
1 CD Delphian, DCD34141, La Fauvette Passerinette
Peter Hill (piano)
1 CD Artist Recording Co., ARC01002, Ghosts & Mirrors
Richard Uttley (piano)
1 CD Naïve, V5362, Invocations
Herbert Schuch (piano)
1 CD Camerata, CMCD28302, France Now
Aska Lino (piano)
1 CD Telos Music, TLS 107, Hommage à Messiaen
Prodromos Symeonidis (piano)
1 CD Metier, MSVCD92097
Comme un oeil suspendu et poli par le songe - Estuaire - Territoires de l'oubli - Cloches d'adieu, et un sourire... - La Mandragore - Les Travaux et les jours
Marilyn Nonken (piano)
1 CD Accord, AC205752
Tristan Murail: La Mandragore - Cloches d'adieu, et un sourire... - Jean-Marc Singier: Elans, saccades, et biais du flux - Gérard Pesson: Vexierbilder Rom - Dominique Troncin: Ciel ouvert - Jacques Lenot: Ciels (travercés) - Esquisse du Prélude 12 - Hugues Dufourt: An Schwager Kronos
Dominique My (piano)