Fière allure
Play a sample
A welcome to all pianists!
My goal with this collection is to give you the means of tackling the difficulties of the vast piano repertoire in the most musical manner possible.
These eight measure exercises each highlighting a particular aspect of piano technique will have the benefit of helping you surmount the challenge while at times reminding you of similar passages in classical piano repertoire.
May you study well while always enjoying the pleasure that music can bring.
Nathalie Béra-Tagrine
This new book is aptly titled. I greatly admire the musical care, the way in which Nathalie Bera-Tagrine knows how to solve difficult problems by always explaining them with a flexible and spiritual approach to the piano. The use of judicious fingerings brings a certainty as for the realization of the difficulties and thus erases them. The variety of examples makes you want to go to the next page. It is therefore a pleasure to browse them. The pleasure of playing is guaranteed.
Very admiringly,
Bruno Rigutto
1. Tierces aux 2 mains -2. Tierces à la main droite 3. Arpèges alternés et inversés - 4. Arpèges et renversements à la main droite - 5. Accords et octaves lentes - 6. Glissandos aux deux mains - 7. Gammes diatoniques main droite - 8. Gammes diatoniques main gauche - 9. Trilles et grupettos - 10. Trois pour deux - 11. Arpèges main gauche - 12. Rythmes réguliers et irréguliers - (Jazz) - 13. Octaves rapides - 14. Gammes chromatiques main droite - 15. Gammes chromatiques main gauche - 16. Sixtes et arpèges main gauche - 17. Croisements de mains avec des arpèges alternés main droite/main gauche - 18. Batteries (utilisation d'un pouce toutes les deux notes) - 19. Quartes et liaisons d'intervalles - 20. Renversements d'accords - 21. Notes répétées - 22. Grands arpèges main droite