Jeux de doigts - Playing fingers
Born in Paris in 1928, Gérard Meunier showed right from his youth undeniable musical dispositions and very great sensibility. After general studies, he studied the piano with Lucien Wurmser, harmony, counterpoint and fugue with Jean Gallon and Henri Challan, orchestra direction with Louis Fourestier, Brought up in an artistic surrounding (his father, Lucien Meunier was an artist and poet), he is sensitive to all forms of art - eclectic and universal spirit, he is a nature-lover, a great friend of animals, in particular cats with whom he has resembling secrets.
Next to the activities of pedagogue, pianist and director of the Aubervilliers-La Courneuve Conservatory which he directs since more than twenty years, his talents as creator realise in musical expression. Dependent of no school, by means of a sonorous language which to him is his own and with great sincerity, he expresses that which he sees and that which he feels before a modern world.
His work Ombres de l'Ombre (Shadows of the Shadow) for wind instruments, percussions and narrator, as well as his Sonata for piano dedicated to bird victims of sea pollution, are cries of anguish and despair before the human evolution.
Born in Paris in 1928, Gérard Meunier showed right from his youth undeniable musical dispositions and very great sensibility. After general studies, he studied the piano with Lucien Wurmser, harmony, counterpoint and fugue with Jean Gallon and Henri Challan, orchestra direction with Louis Fourestier, Brought up in an artistic surrounding (his father, Lucien Meunier was an artist and poet), he is sensitive to all forms of art - eclectic and universal spirit, he is a nature-lover, a great...