Sonatine n°3 Op.12
Maurice Journeau was born on November 17, 1898 in Biarritz. In this seaside resort, he had the opportunity of attending numerous concerts of chamber music from his earliest years and this, added to piano practice, inspired him with a desire for composition at the age of nearly fourteen.
Although intended to a non-musical profession, he could nevertheless study composition at the Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris from 1920 to 1922, with Nadia Boulanger and Max d'Ollone. Then, leading a life both devoted to his family and profession, he still went on regularly with composition at night until 1984, the year when he decided his task was over.
His catalogue of works comprises 75 works for piano, harpsichord, organ, chamber music and orchestra, including a symphony. Among the musical works considered as the most typical of his style by the composer himself, one may notice the Sonatinas for piano, the String Quartet, some works for violin (Aux rivages méditerranéens, Berceuse, Second Sonata for violin), the Toccata for piano or organ and the Impromptus for piano.
Maurice Journeau was born on November 17, 1898 in Biarritz. In this seaside resort, he had the opportunity of attending numerous concerts of chamber music from his earliest years and this, added to piano practice, inspired him with a desire for composition at the age of nearly fourteen.
Although intended to a non-musical profession, he could nevertheless study composition at the Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris from 1920 to 1922, with Nadia Boulanger and Max d'Ollone. Then, leading...