Les Nuages de Magellan
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23/03/1973 - Semaines Musicales Internationales d'Orléans - Françoise Pellié (ondes Martenot) - Tristan Murail (ondes Martenot) - Claude Pavy (guitar) - Michel Gastaud (percussion)
The title refers to two small galaxies close to the Milky Way, and the music is made of sound sparks melting into blurry clouds. Like the other pieces written between 1970 and 1974, it is composed in the first manière of Tristan Murail. An uninterrupted sound-magma of fluid and moving sonorities, its musical discourse is in perpetual motion. The percussion plays more of an harmonic than a rhythmic role, while the guitar produces long notes, crescendos and decrescendos, rather than its more familiar attacks and short notes. The four instruments merge.
Augustin Viard
Translation: Nadia Ratsimandresy
1 CD ReR, RERV1, Les Nuages de Magellan
Ensemble Volta