Pièces latino américaines (10)
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These pieces can be played with or without repeats.
The performer is free to add mordents, trills, grace notes, etc. as ornamentation where desired. The slurs are optional.
1. Huaÿno 1
A lively dance from Peru and Bolivia of pre-Columbian origin.
2. Chamarrita
A dance played and sung in Uruguay, parts of Argentina, and several villages in southern Brazil.
3. Cancion de Cuna
4. Huaÿno 2
5. Albazo
Spirited music from the mountains of Equator.
6. Milonga campera
In this case a "campera" milonga (from the country) not intended for dancing that tells stories, describes people, expresses feelings.
7. Sanjuanito alegre
An Ecuadorian dance of pre-Columbian origin, related to the Huaÿno.
8. Lonkomeo
A musical form belonging to the Patagonian Indians of Argentina.
9. Cachimbo Nortino
A dance from northern Chile near Bolivia and Peru.
10. Viejo Vals
In the 19th century, the waltz imported from Europe was gradually transformed to suit the country. In Latin America, it was enhanced by mixing and rhythms.
Huaÿno 1 (Bolivie) - Chamarrita (Uruguay) - Cancion de Cuna (Habanera Cubaine) - Huaÿno 2 (Pérou) - Albazo (Equateur) - Milonga campera (Argentine) - Sanjuanito alegre (Equateur) - Lonkomeo (Argentine) - Cachimbo Nortino (Chili) - Viejo Vals (Valse Argentine)