Opéras, opérettes...
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Classical, pop, jazz... Music, like instruments, knows no borders. Once it is well played, all music, regardless of the instrument or the level of difficulty, accomplishes its desired role: that of enchanting the listener.
To that end, this book - easy, but with respect for the basics - offers accordionists an entry ticket to the opera, and to its more mischievous little sister, the operetta, as well.
These arrangements have double fingerings for the right hand keyboard: above the notes for the button keyboard, below the notes for the piano keyboard, with that of the left hand being common to both systems. Registration is left up to each person's preferences, according to what lus instrument offers. I wish everyone great pleasure through all of these pages.
Raymond Valli, French champion accordionist, is a composer and arranger, and the author of the famous "Keyboard Jazz" (Editions Paul Beuscher) and the book "The World of Chords" (Editions R. Valli). He has written extensively for accordion, but also for piano and for organ. Concert artist and jazz musician, he is the founder and president of the Musical Academy of France since 2000.